
NameSizeLast modification

kiesel-windows-x86_64.exe37.3 MB

37.3 MB2024-07-26 22:28:58 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-windows-x86.exe30.5 MB

30.5 MB2024-07-26 22:28:56 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-linux-powerpc26.6 MB

26.6 MB2024-07-26 22:28:49 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-macos-x86_6426.1 MB

26.1 MB2024-07-26 22:28:54 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-linux-x86_6425.7 MB

25.7 MB2024-07-26 22:28:52 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-linux-powerpc6425.6 MB

25.6 MB2024-07-26 22:28:50 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-macos-aarch6425.5 MB

25.5 MB2024-07-26 22:28:53 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-windows-aarch64.exe25.4 MB

25.4 MB2024-07-26 22:28:55 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-linux-aarch6424.8 MB

24.8 MB2024-07-26 22:28:47 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-linux-riscv6424.5 MB

24.5 MB2024-07-26 22:28:51 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-linux-x8620.6 MB

20.6 MB2024-07-26 22:28:51 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel-linux-arm20.0 MB

20.0 MB2024-07-26 22:28:48 +00:00 10 hours ago

kiesel.wasm3.3 MB

3.3 MB2024-07-26 22:28:58 +00:00 10 hours ago

README.md562 B

562 B2024-01-06 12:34:26 +00:00 6 months ago

version.txt41 B

41 B2024-07-26 22:28:58 +00:00 10 hours ago


2023-07-18 14:08:53 +00:00 a year ago

A few notes:

  • Builds happen automatically whenever CI runs on the main branch, and are built and uploaded sequentially. They're using plain zig build with -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe and don't differ from what you get when building locally.
  • Everything is cross-compiled from Linux, there are no dedicated macOS or Windows CI runners.
  • The Wasm file is a wasm32-wasi build, which can be used with a native Wasm VM or on the web (see the Kiesel playground for inspiration).

Keep in mind that these builds are far from stable or complete and have bugs :^)